
About us

Archetyp, registered association

The registered association Archetyp was founded in 2006.

In 2007, Archetyp offered to conduct a study for the Prague municipal council, researching 17 locations that are ideal for farmer’s markets, meant to sell fresh local produce. On the basis of this study, we could help with the creation and organisation of farmer’s markets. Since 2010, we founded and organised four Prague markets (Jiřák in Prague 3, Náplavka in Prague 2, Kubáň in Prague 10, Heřmaňák at Prague 7).

We have put together market rules, standards and a codex for farmer’s markets. At Náplavka and Jiřák, we also started the tradition of other events and celebrations, like Beer at Náplavka or the Day of honey. A small group of people who were unhappy with the current state of retail trade became a professional group of organisers with a clear goal, a wide range of experience and a creative mindset, which let us inspire other organisations. Since 2009, we have helped massively with building a relationship between the general Czech public and local produce, and we created hundreds of sales outlets for small farmers and producers.


Our beliefs:

Society cannot guarantee jobs for everyone, but it should find ways to assure that the creativity and skills of communities are preserved. Farmer’s markets as we organise them, are a refuge of freedom in an otherwise ultra-capitalist world, where rules are increasingly created by global companies and markets. Farmer’s markets allow family farms, small producers and farmers and interesting new concepts to be presented to the local community. Without massive start-up costs, the markets facilitate direct sales for fair prices, simply and immediately. A live farmer’s market helps to preserve traditional knowledge, working processes and methods, which have developed over many generations. It also helps to develop the natural productivity that people strive towards – do you know how to make great jams, or beautiful bouquets, or have some interesting new idea? If you know how to do something that has some value, that others are interested in, and there is a farmer’s market in your area that you could get involved in, it may stop you from going to get benefits or going to the job centre. It is important that we protect well-functioning farmer’s markets and designate public spaces for them. It is in the interest of our communities because the opportunity to offer our skills and talents shapes our region. Local products are investments into the future.


Our partners:

Our farmer's markets

Next market at Heřmaňák: February 1, 9 am to 1 pm

Heřmaňák is a smaller, more cosy farmer’s market with a great range of fresh vegetables, fruit, baked goods, meat, free-range…
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