Social and cultural event with a farmer’s market. No plastic bags, your own packaging is welcome. As a bonus for bringing your reusable cup, you get a discount of 10 CZK on your coffee. Around 20 to 25 farmers and producers, sometimes crafts and designers, seating at tables with flowers.
One of the first farmer’s markets in the country. On the bank of the Vltava river, overlooking Prague Castle. More than 90 stalls. Great quality fresh produce from proven farmers and producers. Great quality snacks, coffee and drinks.
A beautiful central location in Prague 10, in a park, right next to a tram station. Authentic farms and organic farms, providing great fresh vegetables. Coffee, grilled fish, and snacks, all to have while you sit at tables by a fountain, enjoying the fresh air. Saturdays, 8 am – 2 pm, and from 21 March, also on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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Kdybyste doma měli zbytky svíček, tak nám je přineste příští sobotu 25. ledna na trh ke stánku kavárny Cukrárna Alchymista.
Po skončení trhu je odvezu skautům do Holešovická tržnice. Ať se práší za kočárem ! (můj boomerský slovník 😀) ... Zobrazit víceZobrazit méně
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