On Saturday, November 28, there will be a farmer’s market at Heřmaňák with no plastic bags. There will be more free-range eggs available.
Have you ever tried plums smoked using beechwood? If the answer is no, stop by the stand of our new seller – Farmer’s Garden, that will also bring hazelnuts, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and dried fruit: apples, pears, apricots, plums, cranberries, raisins and others.
List of attendees on Saturday, November 28:
Vegetables and herbs Šťastných / seasonal vegetables, herbs, lettuce
Bílé Podolí Orchard / honey, mead, apples, pears, dried plums, apricots, apples, hazelnuts and walnuts, sea buckthorn syrups, fruit juices and syrups
Fresh Greens / fresh sprouts and microgreens
Sweet clementines / clementine juice, marmalades
DRYKK / freshly pressed apple juice
Flowers Dřísy / bouquets, wreaths, decorations
Lesem Atelier / bouquets, wreaths, decorations
Kobylnice Farmstead/ chicken, free-range eggs, ghee, patés and meat products
Farm Veseckých / free-range eggs
Milk BioVavřinec / bio milk, yoghurt, kefir, cream cheese, bio butter
Cakeshop u Andělky / cream puffs, original and traditional cakes and desserts from bakers from Vysočina
Mr. Buchta / traditional Czech stuffed buns (buchty) with different fillings
Bakery Kejval / yeast and rye bread, rolls, buns, koblihy (jam stuffed dougnuts), greave patties, kolache, stuffed buns
Ten štrůdl / strudels of different types, freshly fried potato patties
Traditional pagáčky
Butcher’s Kvarda / traditional meat products and pâtés, smoked meat.
Bio farm Babiny / bio matured beef, homemade sausages, beef broth, beef jerky
Hrejkovice pickled cabbageCzech venison products / venison meat products
JZT Kombucha / cold drinks made with kombucha tea, fermented, flavors – maracuja, strawberry, bergamot, naturalFarmer’s Garden / hazelnuts, walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and dried fruit: apples, pears, apricots, plums, cranberries, raisins, smoked plums and others
Hanys oil / cold-pressed oils – olive, flax, nut, hemp, poppy, sunflower, and pickled black and green olives.
Due to government guidelines there can be no refreshments, not even takeaway ones.
You can get coffee from Cakeshop Alchymista at Letná (Jana Zajíce street, house number 7). They will return to Heřmaňák as soon as it is possible.