
Event Heřmaňák

You can still pick up pre-ordered eggs at Heřmaňák!

There is still two Saturdays until Easter. We still cannot open the market, but you can still buy eggs. This week, the orders exceeded the limits of the small Veseckých family farm. So we have other farmers who are stepping in to help – Eggs from Vysočina, Mr. Václav Duben, who regularly attended the markets last year at Heřmaňák. That means he is also a trusted farmer and his chickens are free-range. Eggs cost 6,7, and 8Kč for sizes S, M, L and XL respectively.

If you are interested, you can order free-range eggs from us for free, to pick up on Saturday, March 27, or April 3.

How to order? Send a test message with your name to +420 608 361 837. You will get an asnwer in the next 24 hours.

Please do not e-mail us this time.

The pick up will be near the Liberal coffee shop, from 9:30 until about 11:00.

Your farmer’s market Heřmaňák

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