
Farmer's Market Kubáň

Saturday, April 29 – roasting sausages and a farmer’s market

On Saturday, April 29, the night before the traditional Czech holiday of witch burning, there will also be a fire at Kubáň. And you will be able to roast some sausages! We will provide the roasting sticks, and you will be able to buy sausages, bread, mustard and ketchup. Petr Aufriedlsehen, our friend, artist and master of fire, will be scoring the sausages into various shapes.

Your favourite farmers and sellers will also be in their usual places. There are more vegetables, herbs and flowers! There is plenty to look forward to, stop by and see!


You will find the following sellers at the market:


Turkey farm Brniště – fresh poultry and meat products

Poultry Farm Holýšov – slow-grown poultry, chicken, duck, hen

Butcher’s Marešovi – homemade meat products, brawn, bratwurst…

Our Farmstead – Naše hospodářství – matured bio beef from a farm



Chouranice farm – free-range eggs, homemade cream cheese and other types of cheeses

Bačova salaš – traditional Slovakian sheep cheese, milk and meat products

Eggs Kosičky – barn eggs, quail eggs

Dutch Boy – a wide variety of cheeses



Vegetables Malých – fresh vegetables

Vegetables Kloubských – fresh vegetables, potatoes, herbs, walnuts, pickled cabbage to order…

Vegetables Dřísy Robin Machka – fresh vegetables, large range of lettuce, sweet potatoes, herbs, onions, tomatoes…

Fruit Jelínek – apples and pears from an orchard, fruit juice, dried apples, honey

Sellanomer – citrus fruit



Flowers Hakl – bouquets, potted flowers: primrose, hyacinths, daffodils…

Květiny za plotem (Flowers behind a fence) – flowers, seedlings

Horticulture Semela – petunias, geraniums, and other garden flowers



Bakery Velíšek – sourdough rye and wheat bread, different flavours of bread – pumpkin, carrot, nut, as well as kolache, strudels

Bakery Our Bread – rye and wheat sourdough, pumpkin, carrot, and nut bread, kolache, strudels, rolls, sweet bakes

Cakeshop Karlovy Vary – kolache, cream rolls, strudels, gingerbread, cream puffs



Fresh Juice – fresh unpasteurised fruit and vegetable juices

Zázvoruj (Ginger) – ginger tea with honey, ginger syrups



NEW More than Nuts – different types of nuts and other delicacies

Will be back on May 6 – Marmalade mill – homemade marmalades and jams

Honey Švoma – homemade honey, gingerbread, beeswax candles, raw propolis



Fish Grill U Pepy – grilled zander, carp fries, smoked fish, fishcakes, sometimes vegetable pancakes

Café Majada – coffee from South America: cappuccino, espresso, latté from a barista



Charlie’s Ceramics – baking dishes, flowerpots, decorations from red ceramics

Marian Staroba – minerals from all over the world, jewellery

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