Please be patient, we will (hopefully) be back soon. We will respect the government guidelines, however, we will also speak up about the fact that we are just selling food in the open air, meaning that it could have continued with the restrictions that were set up until now – face masks, sanitizing hands, keeping spaces from others, one person per 15m2, stands 4 meters apart, only food being sold, no refreshments. Under these rules, shopping at a farmer’s market did not differ from shopping at the supermarket, and it wasn’t more dangerous either. This is why it does not make sense to cancel farmer’s markets, saying that they are out of season anyways. According to experts, shopping outside could actually have a lower risk of transmitting the virus between people, if the conditions in both markets and supermarkets are kept the same.
Please stand by, life will get back to normal! Please keep safe, wear a mask, sanitize your hands, and keep your distance from other people, because health and your life are very important!