You will be able to find the first herbs, primroses and hyacinths of the season.
There will be plenty of winter vegetables for a chicken broth soup, or a potato soup, cabbage, potatoes, sweet potatoes… If you like Slovakian cheeses, stop by Bačova salaš, they will have brynza (soft sheep cheese) and other cheeses made from cow’s or sheep milk. There will also be plenty of meat and homemade meat products. Zedníček will bring bio milk, there will be eggs from happy chickens from Vysočina, sweet Czech apples and cider from Tuchoraz Orchard, honey, flowers from Pepa, Bundt cake…
For the first time, Immunity Bar will come with their freshly pressed juices. They have fruit as well as vegetable juices – like celery, cucumber, pomegranate…
Come, bring a big shopping bag and choose from our wide range of products. Please remember to wear a face mask, sanitize your hands, and keep a distance from other people. Let’s make sure there is no virus transmission at Kubáň.
Who will be there?
Turkey farm Brniště – fresh poultry and poultry products
Meat products Jung – traditional Slovakian and Hungarian meat products, bratwurst, smoked pork belly
Meat farm Lažiště – a farm in Šumava with a pasture – beef, mincemeat, ossobucco
Meat Metelec – smoked meat and bacon
Farm Zedníčkovi – bio milk, butter, sour cream, yoghurt, cream cheese from Vysočina
Eggs Košičky – barn eggs, quail eggs
Eggs from Vysočina – free-range eggs
Bačova salaš – traditional Slovakian cheeses and meat products
Vegetables from Klárka – potatoes, autumn vegetables, walnuts, hazelnuts, mixes for making soups, apples, pears, thyme, eggs, honey
Tuchoraz Orchard Apple Bohemia – apples, pears, seasonal fruit, citrus fruit, freshly-pressed juice, nuts, honey
Robin Machka – vegetables from Polabí
Floral atelier Flowers from Pepa – bouquets, wreaths from the best floral atelier – only if it is not freezing
Flowers Dřísy – bouquets, potted plants, plants – only if it is not freezing
Cakeshop U Juráška – Bundt cakes, strudels, cupcakes, kolache, gingerbread
Bakery Náš Chlén (Our Bread) – rye, wheat, gluten-free bread, kolache, rolls, pagáčky
Lokshe from Zuzka – Slovakian lokshe (potato pancakes), homemade – only to go
Soňa Stančíková – traditional Slovakian pagáčky (baked good)
Farmer’s garden – dried plums, smoked on beechwood, walnuts and hazelnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, dried apples, pears, apricots, cranberries, raisins and much more.
Immunity Bar – freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juice