On Saturday, December 12, you will be able to stop by Rašínovo nábřeží in Prague 2 to buy produce from Czech farms and bio farms at Farmer’s Market Náplavka.
Please be careful and keep a 2-metre distance from other people at all times. We also ask you to wear a mask for the whole duration of visiting the market.
There will be no refreshments or coffee to go.
From December 3, the limit of one person per 15 metre squared has been cancelled, but people still have to wear face masks, keep distance from others and sanitize their hands.
Our top choices for this week are homemade pickled olives and oils from Hanys and beeswax candles from Ledkov.
List of attendees, December 12:
Meat, meat products
FARM KOJETÍN – according to season – kid, lamb, veal, chicken, duck, rabbit…
FARM RUDOLEC – mature beef, lamb, veal, pork, venison, and meat products, goat, sheep and cow cheeses from the Abertamy farmhouse in the mountains.
SMOKED SALAMI – beechwood smoked salami, grilled bratwurst
BUTCHERS KVARDA – quality meat products, venison specialties
MEAT PRODUCTS FROM PLZEŇ – bratwurst just made from meat with beef broth, dried beef, smoked meat, smoked cheese, pickled smoked meat, pork in sauce, pickled bratwurst, pâtés and other delicacies
HUNGARIAN SPECIALTIES – smoked meat, bacon, bratwurst, sausages, pickled cabbage, pickled vegetables
Poultry, eggs
DUCK FARM HOLÝŠOV – chicken, duck, rooster, during autumn – goose, guinea fowl
TURKEY FARM NOVÝ DVŮR – fresh turkey and turkey products
CHICKEN PRACEJOVICE – fresh chicken from the Beranovi family farm
EGGS VESECKÝCH – free-range eggs from chickens that live near a forest
EGGS KUBÁTOVI – free-range eggs from Jezero farm near Benešov
EGGS FROM VYSOČINA – free-range eggs
FISH VACEK – fresh fresh-water fish, according to season – trout, carp, catfish, pike
Milk, milk products, butter, cheese
FARM BIOVAVŘINEC – bio fresh cow milk – pasteurized or non-pasteurized, great curd made by following a family recipe, home-made butter, ghee (clarified butter), different types of cheeses, whey, kefir, sour cream, yoghurts, steamed cheeses, lamb bratwurst and sausages, bio lamb meat on pre-order
GOAT FARM POD KŘÍŽKEM – fresh cheeses, kefirs, yoghurts, acidified milk, Jadel, feta and Balkan cheeses, gouda and cheddar from goat’s and cow’s milk
LATTERIA DI ANTONIO – Italian mozzarellas and burratas, scamorza, yoghurt, milk, butter, kefir
MILK KRASOLESÍ – goat and cow cheeses of different types, curd, yoghurt, milk.
Vegetables, fruit, herbs, mushrooms
FRESH GREENS – microgreens and sprouts – alfalfa, mustard, broccoli, watercress, basil, radish, beetroot, red cabbage
SWEET MANDARINES – sweet mandarin oranges from Dalmatia, mandarin juice and marmalades
FRUIT PLOSKOVICE – fruit from an ecological fruit farm, according to season – pears, apples, strawberries, cherries, apricots, summer apples, plums, red currant, dried apples and also fruit juices
FRUIT ORCHARD KOLÍN – apples, pears, in season – cherries, plums, apricots, and peaches from Mr. Procházka’s orchards near Kolín
VEGETABLES OVČÁRY – seasonal vegetables, herbs, salads
VEGETABLES ŠŤASTNÁ – seasonal vegetables, herbs, salads
VEGETABLES TŘEBOUTICE – seasonal vegetables, herbs and salads, flowers and herbs to plant
JAKUBCOVI AGRICULTURE – seasonal vegetables, herbs and salads
GARDENISTA – flowers from Stehelčeves
FLOWERS FROM PEPA – cut or planted flowers
FARM LEDKOV – natural Christmas decorations, beeswax candles
Baked goods, cakes, flour
WHOLEWHEAT AND GLUTEN-FREE BAKERY DVORNÍK – whole-wheat and gluten-free baked goods, kolache, quiche, bread and salty snacks
BREAD FROM TŘEBÍČ – yeast bread, live yeast, rye bread, crackling flatbread
BAKERY KEJVAL – bread, kolache, sliced white bread, patties, rolls, dumplings
BAKERY LOUSKÁČEK – sweet nut kolache and salty quiches
OLD BOHEMIAN BAKERY – kolache and stuffed buns
TRADITIONAL PAGÁČKY – traditionally-made pagáčky, long process of rising, then putting olives, greaves or bacon into the batter. A very tasty baked good, good with wine or beer. Sweet Bratislava rolls.
Cakes, desserts, cookies, chocolate
CAKESHOP KARLOVY VARY – cream rolls, cream puffs, strudels and fantastic kolaches.
Delicacies, oil, pasta
FRESH PASTA – fresh pasta, sauces and pesto from Kolová near Karlovy Vary
DAMODARA – pulse pasta, soups and purees, chickpea flour, dried apples, chickpea or almond balls
HANYS OIL – natural premium quality oils, cold-pressed – poppy, flax, rape, sunflower, pumpkin seed, milk thistle, hemp, mustard seed and salad oils. Green virgin olive oil Kalamata. Greek olives Kalamata with seeds in, green mammoth olives with seeds in herbs, green mammoth olives with chili peppers and black Facon olives with seeds.
KVĚTUŠKA’S GARDEN – fresh herbs from Kokovice, according to season. Pesto made from wild garlic, nettle, basil, coriander, lovage, parsley, dill, or sage
PICKLED CABBAGE HŘEBÍK – great pickled cabbage from Hrejkovice
MARMALADES WITH A STORY – handmade jams, marmalades, teas, chutneys, pesto, pickled vegetables, sweet and sour pickles, flavoured oils
SEA BUCKTHORN SHOP – herbal syrups, jams and tinctures from Sea Buckthorn
STAND U DVOU KOZ – herbal syrups – elderberry, dandelion, thyme, mint, gingko & yerba mate, hibiscus, lavender, ginger, lime-tree, plantain, cinnamon and other seasonal syrups.
HERBS ZDISLAVA – healthy natural things – zdislavatea.cz
Juices and syrups
FRESH JUICES – freshly-squeezed juice from seasonal fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, carrots, beet, and cucumber), herbs, berries and exotic fruit mixed with fresh apple juice, fresh all year round because we use juices frozen at their peak freshness
Christmas products, handmade goods
CERAMICS BURDA – huge tea mugs and other ceramics
CERAMICS JANA KREJČOVSKÁ – black and white porcelain – mugs, bowls, plates, teapots