
Farmer's Market Kubáň

Saturday, August 27 at Kubáň – fish, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, homemade goat’s and cow’s cream cheese, cheeses… Live music from the Hot Wings band.

There is plenty that the Kubáň farmer’s market will be able to offer you this Saturday. There will still be blueberries as well – why not make blueberry dumplings or cake? Also try the homemade cream cheese from Farm Chouranice, which is delicious and creamy.

For a Saturday lunch, you can get some grilled fish at the market from Pepa Grunt, or buy some fresh fish from Fish Garden to make at home.

The Hot Wings band will add to the good atmosphere on Saturday morning. They will play jazz, something funky and Dixieland, as well as some folk, pop-rock, and soul. They will be performing from 10-12.


Who will be there?


Butcher’s Marešovi / homemade meat products, brawn, bratwurst



Pepa’s Fish Grill / grilled zander, carp fries, smoked fish, fish patties, sometimes vegetable crepes

Fish Garden / fresh fish, herbs, lettuce



WILL NOT BE AT THE MARKET – Bio farm Zedníček / bio milk on tap, butter, sour cream, yoghurt, cream cheese, and whey in bio quality

Farm Chouranice / free-range eggs, goats’ cheese, ricotta, fresh goats’ milk to order

Bačova salaš / traditional Slovakian sheep cheeses, milk and meat products, bacon, bratwurst…

Eggs Kosičky / barn eggs from chickens, quail eggs

Dutch boy / A large variety of cheeses



Vegetables Malých / fresh vegetables, seedlings

Vegetables Kloubských / fresh vegetables, seedlings of vegetables, flowers

Vegetables from Klárka / Czech vegetables, bio mandarin oranges and lemons, oyster and champignon mushrooms, apples, pears, fresh juices, pickled cabbage and other vegetables, cut and potted herbs, honey

Vegetables Dřísy Robin Machka / Czech vegetables, wide range of lettuce, sweet potatoes, cut or potted herbs

Nápravník / blueberries



A. M. Žembová / original floral bouquets

Flowers Hakl / flowers from the garden



Bakery Our Bread (Náš chléb)/ rye and wheat sourdough, pumpkin, carrot, and nut bread, kolache, strudels, rolls, sweet bakes

Bakery Velíšek / sourdough rye and wheat bread, different flavours of bread – pumpkin, carrot, nut, as well as kolache, strudels

Felicity Food / gingerbread, cream puffs, cakes, bread, baked goods



Café Majada / coffee from South America – cappuccino, espresso, latté from a barista

Fresh Juice / fresh non-pasteurised fruit and vegetable juices

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