
Farmer's Market Náplavka

On Saturday, May 21, the farmer’s market will be down at Náplavka. On Sunday, May 22, the wine festival Růžový Máj will take place there as well!

On Saturday, May 21, the farmer’s market will be down at Náplavka. On Sunday, May 22, the wine festival Růžový Máj will take place there as well!

As always, on Saturday, May 21, the farmer’s market will be down at Náplavka by the river. The list of sellers will be here by Friday.

On Sunday, May 22, the popular gastronomical and wine festival Růžový Máj will take place at Náplavka! All information can be found here – www.ruzovymaj.cz/?lang=en

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Archetyp and farmers

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