The first day of spring is here, and the farmer’s market at Kubáň will be open during weekdays as well – on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This means that you will be able to find many of your favourite sellers and farmers at the market.
From this Tuesday and Thursday, Meat Slaughterhouse Tismice will be at the market with their brawn, smoked meat and other goodies!
For lunch, grab some grilled fish or Indian food.
On Tuesday, eggs and cheeses from Švorbových Farmstead will be available! Here will also be a new seller on the market on Tuesday – Farkas Kerenyi – Heaven in your gob. He will offer Hungarian delicacies, baked goods, and sweets that are made with traditional recipes from a Hungarian grandma. Try his products!
On Thursday, come and get beautiful woven baskets from Mr. Zdražil.
Listening to your feedback, we have updated our opening times. On Tuesday and Thursday, the market will be open from 8am to 4pm. On Saturday, the market will be open from 8am to 2pm.
Who will be there?
Tuesday, March 22
Meat products Tismice Foltýn / traditional meat products, meatloaf in a bun
Turkey farm Brniště / fresh poultry meat, sausages, giblets, patés, carcasses for making soup
Pepa’s Fish Grill / grilled pike, carp fries, smoked fish, fish patties, sometimes vegetable pancakes
Indian refreshments / chicken curry, samosas, vegetarian meals
Café Majada / coffee from South America – cappuccino, espresso, latté from a barista, mulled red wine
Family farm Švorbovi / free-range eggs, homemade cheeses, butter, cream cheese, cheese strings
Vegetables from Klárka / Czech winter and root vegetables, oyster and champignon mushrooms, apples, pears, fresh juices, pickled cabbage and other vegetables, cut and potted herbs, honey
Vegetables Malých Saturday only for now / Czech winter and root vegetables, plants
Vegetables Kloubských will come at the end of March.
Bakery Velíšek / rye and wheat sourdough, different types of break – pumpkin, carrot, and nut, kolache, strudels
Cakes and bakery Felicity / gingerbread, cream puffs, cakes, bread, baked goods
Nebe v hubě (Heaven in your gob) / Hungarian specialties, baked goods and sweets, made using recipes from a Hungarian grandmother
Lenka Boháčová – Pavlínová / marmalades, spices
Zach’s pesto chilli / pesto, dried tomatoes, chilli pastes
Thursday, March 24
Meat products Tismice Foltýn / traditional meat products, meatloaf in a bun
Turkey farm Brniště / fresh poultry meat, sausages, giblets, patés, carcasses for making soup
Butchers Marešovi / traditional Czech meat products: smoked meat, patés, sausages, bratwurst, greaves, smoked pork belly, meatloaf, salami and more!
Pepa’s Fish Grill / grilled pike, carp fries, smoked fish, fish patties, sometimes vegetable pancakes
Indian refreshments / chicken curry, samosas, vegetarian meals
Café Majada / coffee from South America – cappuccino, espresso, latté from a barista, mulled red wine
Vegetable Farm Janouškovi / Czech winter vegetables, herbs
Vegetables Malých Saturday only for now / Czech winter and root vegetables, plants
Vegetables Kloubských will come at the end of March.
Bakery Velíšek / rye and wheat sourdough, different types of break – pumpkin, carrot, and nut, kolache, strudels
Cakes and bakery Felicity / gingerbread, cream puffs, cakes, bread, baked goods
Stuffed buns and kolache from your loved mother-in-law will come on April 7 with Easter baked goods and sweets / stuffed buns and kolache
Woven goods Zdražil / baskets and other woven goods