At Kubáň, we will enjoy the last Saturday before Christmas. At Vegetables Kloubských, you will be able to get great potatoes for your potato salad, as well as root vegetables, apples and more. You will be able to choose produce from our four regular stands.
There will be eggs and slow-grown chickens, turkey, and duck from Poultry Farm Holýšov. Great meat products from Střímelice, turkey farm Brniště, bio milk from Zedníčkovi. Fresh baked goods from Velíškovi and Náš chléb (Our Bread).
If you are still missing ornaments, incense cones, or mistletoe, you can get it from Macháčkovi. There will be beautiful gingerbread from Mrs. Vyskočilová.
There will also be gifts! Black and white porcelain from Jana Krejčovská, ceramics Špalíček and original wooden decorations and jewellery from Bohemia Art. You can also buy some woollen socks and gloves to keep you warm.
Pepa Grunt will be offering grilled fish for the last time this Saturday. However, from Monday, December 20, he will be selling fresh carp at the market.
Come enjoy the last advent weekend.
Who will be there?
Meat Tismice Foltýn / traditional meat products, smoked meat in a bun
Turkey farm Brniště / fresh poultry and poultry products
Poultry farm Holýšov / slow-grown chicken, duck, rooster
Meat Products Střímelice / homemade meat products, smoked duck breast and other delicacies
Josef Grunt / grilled fish delicacies
Bio farm Zedníček / milk, butter, sour cream, yoghurt, cream cheese
Bačova salaš / sheep cheese, Slovakian cheeses of different kinds, bacon
Farm Chouranice / eggs, cow and goat cheese, ricotta
PPVV / barn and free-range eggs
Vegetables Malých / vegetables, potatoes, herbs
Vegetables Kloubských / vegetables, potatoes, herbs
Vegetables from Klárka / oyster mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, honey
Robin Machka / vegetables from the Polabí region, lettuce, herbs
Selanomer / Bio mandarin oranges, bio lemons
Farmer’s garden / wreaths, flowers, dried fruit, homemade marmalades, mistletoe
Martin Hakl / wreaths
Macháček / Christmas decorations and ornaments, incense cones, mistletoe
Miloš Semela / Christmas decorations
Bakery Velíšek / bread, baked goods, kolache
Cakes Karlovy Vary / yeast kolache, cream rolls, cream puffs
Náš chléb – Our Bread / bread, baked goods, kolache
Goodies from Moravia / kolache, strudel, pickled cabbage, greaves, honey
Marmeládový mlýn – Marmalade Mill / homemade marmalades
Zázvoruj – Ginger / ginger lemonades and syrups, ginger specialties
Jiřina Vyskočilová / homemade gingerbread
Felicity-food / cakes, desserts, bread
Ivičili / pickled cheeses
Fresh Juice / freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices
Café Majada / specialty coffee
Jana Krajčovská / black and white porcelain
Ceramics Špalíček / decorated mugs, bowls and plates
Lukáš Burian / woollen socks
Bohemian Art / original wooden decoration and jewellery, mandalas