January has gone by super fast and we are back at Kubáň on Saturday, February 1.
Robin Machka is looking forward to offering you winter vegetables from the Labe region, the Jelínkovi family will bring apples, Butchery Chomutov will offer meat products and Mr Majrych will bring turkey. There will also be crunchy baked goods from Our bread and Bakery Jeníkov, as well as Wallachian frgály from Anežka, or macaroons.
Organic homemade curds, yoghurts, kefirs will be brought by Chouranice farm, Bačova salaš has a selection of cheeses and Královská vejce (King’s eggs) will offer eggs.
You can get good marmalades and jams at Marmalade Mill, and amazing honey from Mr. Švoma. And if you run out of spices, there will be plenty to choose from at Hubinger’s.
In addition to sausages, which you can roast yourself, you can also get grilled chicken, grilled fish from Pepa Grunt, and Slovakian lokshe from Zuzana. As a refreshment, get some coffee from Majada, or Moravian wine from Mr. Burian’s stand.
Sounds great? See you on Saturday, February 1st at Kubáň!
You will find the following sellers at the market:
Turkey farm Brniště – fresh poultry and poultry products
Butcher’s Chomutov – great quality homemade meat products, pork and beef
Farm Chouranice – organic milk, free-range eggs, homemade cream cheese and cheeses
Bačova salaš – traditional Slovakian sheep’s cheese, parenice (steamed sheep cheese), oštiepok (smoked sheep cheese), string cheese, bryndza (creamy sheep cheese), žinčica (milk whey drink), bacon and sausages.
Královská vejce (The king’s eggs) – barn eggs
Vegetables Malých – will come mid-March – winter vegetables
Vegetables Kloubských – from the end of February – winter vegetables
Vegetables Dřísy Robin Machka – fresh vegetables, sweet potatoes, onions, apples…
Fruit Jelínek – apples, pears, plums, cold-pressed fruit juices, honey from an orchard
Flowers Hakl – bouquets, seedlings
Bakery Jeníkov – bread, kolache, strudels…
Bakery Our Bread – sourdough rye and wheat bread, pumpkin, carrot or walnut bread, cakes, strudels, rolls, buns, sweet treats
Mum’s macaroons – homemade macaroons
Bakery pod Anežkou – homemade frgály (large Wallachian kolache)
Louskáček – select desserts and cakes with nuts
Winery Mikulica – select wines from Moravia, herbal syrups, chilled lemonades
Marmalade mill – homemade marmalades and jams
Honey Švoma – homemade honey, gingerbread, beeswax candles, raw propolis
Hubinger – a large range of spices
Lokshe from Zuzana – homemade lokshe (potato pancake/flatbread) made with a traditional recipe
French delicacies – French baked goods
Rollo – jerky, dried meat
Pepa’s Fish Grill – grilled zander, carp fries, smoked fish, fish cakes, fresh fish, sometimes vegetable pancakes
Václav Bouša – grilled chicken and pork knees
Café Majada – coffee from South America – cappuccino, espresso, latté from a barista
Renáta Braná – decorations, jewellery